
CARS is a section of members of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) who share concerns for fisheries and other aquatic resources in Canada. The section was initiated in 1991 to provide a forum for discussion of Canadian issues and the future of the fisheries profession in Canada, and to facilitate an expansion of AFS services to Canadian members. Our bylaws can be found here.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement:
In accordance with the AFS Strategic Plan, CARS is committed to increasing gender, ethnic, disciplinary, and cultural diversity of its membership. CARS aims to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the section and the fisheries profession in Canada. Doing so is vital to maintaining relevance and responding to the challenges facing Canadian fisheries science and management.

The 2023 CARS Executive Committee currently consists of the following:

President: Fielding Montgomery
Vice President: Sean Stuart
Past President: Craig Purchase
Treasurer and Secretary: Erin Rechisky
Communication Officer: Lindsay Potts
Assistant Communications Officer: Sarah Walton-Rabideau
Student Representative: Bradley Howell
Chair of the Larkin Award (non-voting): Sarah Lehnert
Additional ex officio members: Presidents of Atlantic International, Ontario, Mid Canada, and Washington-British Columbia chapters.

AFS Chapters and sub-units within Canada:

Atlantic International Chapter of the AFS – Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Quebec Student Sub-unit  |  AFS Quebec Student Subunit Twitter
Ontario Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (afs-oc.org)  |  AFS OC Twitter
Ontario Chapter Student Sub-unit | AFS OC Student Unit Twitter
Mid-Canada Chapter of AFS (MCC) – Mid-Canada Chapter of AFS (MCC) (fisheries.org)
AFS-Washington British Columbia Chapter – WA-BC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

Contact us at cars.afs@gmail.com with announcements, post ideas, job opportunities, and more that you want shared.